Whatever spiritual path we follow, whether we follow any path, we're far more alike than different. We all understand the importance of hard work and the value of sacrifice. We know how good it can feel to finally lay a burden down. We know how...
Are you an artisan, a craftsperson, a maker? It's February. It's time to affirm your faith in your talent, prepare your tools, and get to work on your big dream. If you lived in the Old World in the land of the Norse, you'd be preparing your iron...
Representatives from 244 faiths and spiritual paths gather to help heal the world
Think of your home as a living entity. A simple gratitude ritual can change your perspective on what your home really means. Your walls provide structure, shelter, and a sense of security. The floor supports you and keeps you grounded. Running water...
My husband and I have been married for 40 years. He has Alzheimer's Disease. Late stage. I'm his full-time caregiver. I'm fortunate to have a social worker on our medical team, and to be a member of an online dementia support group. Still, there are...
A Folktale about Fatima the Spinner
Part 2 Seashells and Ocean Goddesses
Shells and Ocean Goddesses Part 1
Two rituals for beach and beach-inspired ceremonies
Would you marry him or her again?
How a big city or small town can inspire a personal ritual
How the magic and mythology of birds of prey can be used to create rituals
How to use the magic and mythology of owls to create rituals
How your secret sound, crows, parrots, and dolphins can help you produce your best work
What the Black Plague, the Printing Press, Lions, Ants, Cardinals, and Whales have to do with writing
Time to Talk About the Emerging Death-Positive Movement
Rocky Road and Untying the Knot
A Ritual for Women of a Certain Age
How I Learned in 1956 that Black Lives Matter