How stones can add meaning to wedding vows, empower personal goals, and enrich daily life
Throughout history, stones have played a role in affirming all that endures, all that is steadfast.
In many cultures, stones are believed to bridge the connection between the living and the dead. Centuries ago, a person could be banned from the village for breaking a vow made on a stone connected to the ancestors, for the ancestors offered protection from the Other World. If a person broke such a sacred vow, how could he or she ever be trusted?
With such a legacy, it's easy to see why a couple would want to take their wedding vows on an oathing stone.
Oathing stones aren't limited to weddings. Anyone making a personal vow to begin a project, kick a habit, or commit to a change of any kind can do so on an oathing stone.
Small "ritual rocks" can be used the empower daily affirmations and to serve as touchstones in times of stress, uncertainty, forgiveness and gratitude.
Every stone has a message. All we have to do is listen with an open heart.